Hi all, my name is Arlene Daley and I am an author and historian who loves to share my knowledge of Arizona’s past with people. In this article I would like to tell you about my history blog and why I started it.

I have always had a passion for history, and Arizona is a rich historical treasure trove full of amazing events and facts. I started learning about the state’s history back in high school when my history teacher took us to a museum where artifacts of the Hohokam Indians, the first settlers in Arizona, were on display. From then on, I became fascinated by the history of the region and never stopped learning about it.

When blogging became popular, I thought it would be a great way to share my knowledge of Arizona history with more people. So I started my history blog.

My blog contains many articles about historical facts and events that took place in Arizona. I talk about the first settlers, the gold rush, the Native American tribes, and the great figures who made important contributions to the state.

I try to use many sources so that my readers can get the most complete and accurate information about the events and people I describe. I also include many photographs and illustrations so that my readers can get an idea of what Arizona looked like in different historical periods.

My blog is not just for those interested in history. I hope it will also be useful to those who live in Arizona so they can better understand and appreciate their region.